Table of Contents
Full List of Words That Start With A
Aback | Abstinence | Action | Adjusted | Affix | Aid |
Abaft | Abstract | Active | Adjusting | Affixed | Aim |
Abandon | Abstracts | Activities | Adjustment | Affixing | Aimable |
Abandoned | Absurdly | Activity | Administrative | Afflict | Air |
Abase | Absurdum | Actor | Admirable | Affliction | Aircraft |
Abasement | Abundance | Actress | Admirably | Affluence | Aired |
Abate | Abuse | Actresses | Admiration | Affluent | Airfare |
Abbreviation | Academic | Actual | Admire | Afford | Airing |
Abdomen | Academy | Actually | Admiring | Affordable | Airline |
Aberration | Accent | Actuate | Admiringly | Afforded | Airman |
Abide | Accentuate | Actuated | Admission | Affording | Airplane |
Ability | Accept | Acumen | Admit | Affray | Airport |
Abject | Acceptance | Acute | Admitted | Affright | Airship |
Abjure | Access | Acutely | Admonition | Affront | Airy |
Ablative | Accessories | Acuteness | Adobe | Aflame | Alarm |
Ablaze | Accessory | Acutest | Adolescence | Afloat | Alaska |
Able | Accident | Adapt | Adolescent | Aforetime | Album |
Ablution | Accidental | Adaptability | Adopt | Afraid | Alchemy |
Abnormal | Acclaimed | Adaptable | Adorable | Afresh | Alcohol |
Aboard | Accompany | Adaptation | Adoration | Africa | Alert |
Abode | Accomplish | Adapted | Adore | African | Alertness |
Abolish | Accord | Adaptive | Adoring | After | Algebra |
Abolition | Accordance | Add | Adorning | Afterglow | Algorithm |
Abominate | Accordant | Addicted | Adornment | Afternoon | Alias |
Aboriginal | According | Addiction | Adroitness | Afterward | Alien |
Abortion | Accost | Additional | Adulation | Again | Alienate |
About | Account | Additionally | Adult | Against | Alight |
Above | Accountant | Address | Adults | Age | Align |
Abridge | Accrue | Adept | Advance | Agencies | Alike |
Abroad | Accumulate | Adequacy | Advantage | Agency | Alimony |
Abrupt | Accurate | Adequate | Advent | Agenda | Alive |
Abscess | Accuse | Adequately | Adventure | Agent | All |
Absence | Accustom | Adhere | Adventurous | Ages | All right |
Absent | Achieve | Adherent | Adverb | Aggregate | Allege |
Absently | Acid | Adhesion | Adverse | Agility | Alleged |
Absolute | Acquaint | Adhesive | Adversity | Ago | Allegory |
Absolve | Acquiesce | Adjective | Advert | Agony | Alleviate |
Absorb | Acquisition | Adjure | Adverted | Agree | Alley |
Abstain | Acrobat | Adjust | Adverting | Agaze | Alliance |
Abstention | Act | Adjustable | Advertise | Ageing | Allie |
Amass | An | Apace | Arabesque | Aside | Asbestos |
Amassed | Anal | Apache | Arabia | Ask | Ascend |
Amassing | Analog | Apart | Arabic | Askance | Ascendant |
Amateur | Analogue | Apartment | Arable | Asked | Ascends |
Amaze | Analogy | Ape | Arbitrary | Asking | Ascent |
Amazing | Analysis | Aperture | Arbitrate | Asks | Ascertain |
Amazon | Analyst | Apex | Arbitration | Aslant | Ascetic |
Ambassador | Analysts | Apologist | Arbitrator | Asleep | At |
Amber | Analytic | Apologize | Arbor | Asp | Ate |
Ambient | Analytical | Apology | Arc | Aspect | Atheistic |
Ambiguity | Analyze | Apostle | Arcade | Aspects | Athelstan |
Ambiguous | Analyzing | Apostolic | Arch | Aspen | Athena |
Ambition | Anarchist | Apostrophe | Archers | Asperities | Athirst |
Amble | Anathema | App | Archery | Asperity | Athlete |
Ambrosia | Anatomist | Appalling | Arches | Asphalt | Athletic |
Ambulance | Anatomy | Apparatus | Arching | Aspirant | Atlantic |
Ambush | Ancestor | Apparel | Architect | Aspiration | Atlas |
Ameliorate | Ancestral | Apparent | Architects | Aspire | Atm |
Amenable | Ancestress | Apparently | Archive | Aspired | Atmosphere |
Amend | Ancho | Appeal | Archived | Aspirin | Atmospheric |
Amended | Anchor | Appear | Archives | Ass | Atom |
Amendment | Anchovy | Appearance | Archly | Assail | Atomic |
Amenities | Ancient | Appeared | Archway | Assailing | Atrium |
Amenity | Anciently | Appearing | Are | Assault | Atrocious |
America | And | Appears | Area | Assaulted | Attach |
Amiability | Andante | Appease | Areas | Assaulting | Attached |
Amiable | Anemone | Append | Arena | Assaults | Auteur |
Amicable | Angel | Appendix | Argent | Assay | Authentic |
Amid | Angelic | Appetite | Argue | Assemble | Author |
Amidst | Angels | Appetizing | Argued | Assembly | Authoress |
Amigo | Anger | Applaud | Argues | Assent | Authorities |
Amity | Angle | Applause | Arguing | Assented | Authority |
Among | Angrier | Apple | Argument | Assert | Authorize |
Amount | Animals | Appleton | Arguments | Assertion | Authors |
Amour | Animated | Appliance | Aria | Assertive | Avid |
Amp | Animation | Applicable | Arid | Asses | Avoid |
Ample | Anime | Applicant | Aright | Assessed | Avoiding |
Ampler | Animistic | Applicants | Arise | Assessing | Avoir |
Amplest | Animosities | Application | Arising | Assessment | Avon |
Amplifier | Annalists | Applied | Aristocracy | Assessor | Avow |
2 letter words that start with a
as | ah | aw | ay |
at | ag | ae | al |
an | ai | ax | ab |
am | aa | ad | ar |
3 letter words that start with a
ago | ale | alb |
air | ant | awl |
age | ala | ane |
art | ass | auk |
ask | abs | awn |
and | alt | adz |
are | app | ais |
all | aft | ami |
any | ape | aal |
act | ado | ads |
add | aba | aas |
amp | ain | abo |
arm | arb | aby |
aid | aga | ama |
aim | ahi | ahs |
ace | ait | aff |
ate | aah | als |
arc | alp | ags |
ash | ail | ars |
ana | azo | apo |
ave | arf | awa |
aye | avo | ays |
aha | ani | att |
asp | amu | ava |
apt | ark | awe |
axe |
4 letter words that start with a
also | axes | axon | alga |
area | arid | alms | anta |
able | anew | abbe | alar |
away | ache | ammo | agha |
army | airy | arse | acyl |
acid | amen | arum | ague |
aged | ante | ahem | amyl |
anna | aero | aloe | agma |
anti | acne | abut | ashy |
acre | axle | anon | ayin |
auto | amir | aeon | alae |
amid | aria | aryl | ankh |
aunt | aqua | adit | ayah |
arch | arco | apse | avow |
axis | awry | ahoy | ambo |
ally | afar | agio | amah |
alto | acme | asci | alee |
akin | alum | abed | aril |
alas | arty | agon | alit |
aide | axel | abet | aery |
apex | agar | arvo | alow |
avid | amok | aver | alky |
aura | anus | achy | axil |
atom | ajar | agog | agin |
atop | auld | anal | anil |
5 letter words that start with a
about | apple | abbey | annex |
after | acute | alley | aegis |
among | arise | awake | abbot |
again | adopt | aloud | apron |
above | angry | adobe | awoke |
along | admit | amend | aspen |
award | arena | armor | arbor |
allow | alike | await | acorn |
alone | actor | align | aloft |
ahead | anger | altar | alias |
apply | alert | aging | amiss |
aware | album | atlas | aback |
avoid | alter | alloy | angst |
agent | angle | amino | adage |
asset | alarm | amber | axial |
agree | adapt | aisle | ahold |
adult | angel | agony | awash |
apart | alpha | adept | aloof |
audio | awful | avail | aloha |
aside | arose | attic | afoot |
audit | ankle | agile | abyss |
array | ample | abide | amuse |
abuse | alien | arson | adore |
alive | arrow | avert | axiom |
argue | assay | aroma | allay |
6 letter words that start with a
around | attend | advent | aurora |
across | anyway | atomic | anthem |
always | aspect | accord | abound |
access | afford | attach | accrue |
almost | artist | asthma | airbus |
action | avenue | attain | apiece |
actual | assess | aerial | anemia |
annual | abroad | assert | astute |
amount | afraid | absurd | affirm |
august | agenda | assign | ashore |
anyone | arrive | admire | accuse |
active | advise | arctic | analog |
answer | allied | adhere | auburn |
agency | arrest | artery | acumen |
appear | affair | alpine | aspire |
affect | absent | arroyo | ardent |
accept | adjust | asylum | afloat |
advice | assure | arcade | apache |
appeal | autumn | amidst | almond |
attack | accent | ascent | antics |
author | albeit | airing | aching |
animal | aboard | archer | advert |
acting | absorb | abrupt | apathy |
assume | asleep | ageing | ascend |
assist | anchor | armour | arched |
7 letter words that start with a
another | alleged | anytime | abolish |
against | alcohol | awesome | ambient |
already | assured | artwork | arrears |
ability | adviser | amusing | abreast |
average | auction | ashamed | ammonia |
account | airline | amnesty | acreage |
address | assault | apparel | airfare |
achieve | anxiety | anatomy | antenna |
applied | arrange | annuity | adapter |
attempt | anxious | apology | adamant |
article | approve | admiral | angular |
advance | archive | augment | abdomen |
acquire | amateur | acclaim | arduous |
absence | actress | aquatic | abiding |
attract | abandon | anomaly | amenity |
assumed | appoint | agility | aspirin |
airport | arsenal | applaud | archaic |
advised | awkward | antigen | aerobic |
accused | analyze | abusive | asphalt |
anybody | auditor | allergy | artisan |
ancient | anymore | anguish | accrual |
analyst | alright | analyse | austere |
adverse | athlete | adjunct | algebra |
arrival | antique | audible | anarchy |
academy | analogy | acrylic | aerosol |
8 letter words that start with a
although | apparent | abnormal | attendee |
analysis | accident | airborne | assorted |
approach | accuracy | abundant | allergic |
actually | announce | acoustic | academia |
anything | absolute | assemble | alkaline |
activity | adjusted | allocate | audition |
advanced | assuming | adaptive | armchair |
addition | aluminum | activist | additive |
achieved | attorney | affluent | amenable |
accepted | abstract | antelope | alphabet |
acquired | adjacent | analytic | arterial |
affected | aviation | activate | airplane |
approval | artistic | altitude | activism |
audience | advocate | automate | aromatic |
alliance | appendix | aquarium | anterior |
aircraft | athletic | applause | avionics |
anywhere | autonomy | arrogant | almighty |
academic | abortion | asbestos | abrasive |
accurate | affinity | annoying | ancestor |
assembly | advocacy | adhesive | aperture |
argument | appetite | auspices | ancestry |
advisory | asserted | archival | aerobics |
adequate | antibody | adhesion | amortize |
attitude | animated | analogue | auditory |
attached | ambition | airfield | antidote |
9 letter words that start with a
available | appealing | ambiguous | addictive |
agreement | anonymous | alcoholic | arrogance |
advantage | affiliate | advertise | antivirus |
attention | aesthetic | addiction | anonymity |
authority | authentic | adjoining | anomalous |
afternoon | appraisal | ancillary | advisable |
assistant | accompany | alleviate | accession |
assurance | alternate | ambiguity | apologize |
affecting | applicant | athletics | argentine |
automatic | academics | adherence | antitrust |
aggregate | ambulance | avoidance | apartheid |
analytics | attribute | abdominal | astronomy |
allowance | animation | artillery | accretion |
associate | apparatus | amplifier | attentive |
alongside | aftermath | appalling | amplitude |
attending | affection | ascertain | appellate |
admission | assertion | analogous | anthology |
alexander | arbitrary | augmented | agitation |
abandoned | appliance | accessory | assertive |
amendment | alignment | auxiliary | avalanche |
aerospace | attendant | adaptable | arbitrage |
apartment | amusement | abolition | anecdotal |
architect | abundance | allotment | amazement |
adventure | algorithm | admirable | agreeable |
ambitious | arthritis | aluminium | arresting |
10 letter words that start with a
accounting | accountant | auditorium | antagonism |
assessment | absorption | apprentice | anesthetic |
acceptance | ambassador | antibiotic | appendices |
assistance | accustomed | aesthetics | abstinence |
attractive | accomplish | arithmetic | authorship |
appearance | attachment | alienation | antagonist |
absolutely | adaptation | actionable | antithesis |
aggressive | autonomous | allegation | aberration |
atmosphere | administer | acquainted | accomplice |
acceptable | automobile | accusation | astronomer |
accessible | archbishop | ambulatory | ascendancy |
applicable | aggression | aspiration | abstracted |
appreciate | accidental | alcoholism | apocalypse |
anticipate | articulate | anatomical | apologetic |
adjustment | attainment | ambivalent | archdeacon |
assumption | adolescent | autoimmune | antifungal |
attendance | alteration | assimilate | antiseptic |
assignment | admiration | aboriginal | amphibious |
altogether | assortment | anticancer | admissible |
automation | admittedly | arbitrator | adventurer |
accelerate | allegiance | asymmetric | affliction |
artificial | ammunition | auctioneer | accentuate |
affordable | accumulate | assemblage | aristocrat |
attraction | anesthesia | adrenaline | annotation |
automotive | accordance | antiquated | antebellum |
11 letter words that start with a
application | archaeology | anachronism | affectation |
association | ambivalence | angiography | anaphylaxis |
appropriate | aristocracy | anaesthetic | academician |
alternative | abnormality | antioxidant | anastomosis |
acquisition | attribution | assassinate | accompanist |
advertising | associative | arthroscopy | ahistorical |
appointment | appreciable | appellation | acclamation |
achievement | aeronautics | acclimation | anisotropic |
accordingly | absenteeism | antiquarian | accessorize |
arrangement | apocalyptic | appeasement | agnosticism |
agriculture | acupuncture | addressable | aspergillus |
anniversary | adversarial | anaesthesia | agglomerate |
accommodate | archipelago | angiotensin | acupressure |
acknowledge | angioplasty | alternation | amyloidosis |
advancement | accumulator | abomination | acquiescent |
approximate | aerodynamic | astigmatism | adventurism |
accountable | aftermarket | aphrodisiac | agoraphobia |
atmospheric | aggravation | antidumping | abortionist |
arbitration | assemblyman | androgynous | apologetics |
accelerator | archdiocese | aerosolized | advertorial |
abstraction | allegorical | amphetamine | assignation |
adolescence | acrimonious | amoxicillin | antipoverty |
affirmation | antislavery | aquaculture | antinuclear |
affirmative | altercation | aboveground | afterburner |
adventurous | acquisitive | approbation | antechamber |
12 letter words that start with a
amortization | afterthought | aspirational | astrobiology | |
architecture | augmentation | antimalarial | axisymmetric | |
announcement | aromatherapy | accumulative | autoantibody | |
acknowledged | alphanumeric | azathioprine | aesthetician | |
appreciation | agribusiness | atmospherics | aforethought | |
accomplished | annihilation | augmentative | autorotation | |
anticipation | acquiescence | anticlerical | antiparticle | |
acceleration | approachable | aestheticism | androcentric | |
accumulation | authenticate | alliterative | atheoretical | |
advantageous | abbreviation | adventitious | achlorhydria | |
authenticity | astrophysics | acetonitrile | apperception | |
anthropology | angiogenesis | agrichemical | antineutrino | |
acquaintance | antithetical | artilleryman | argillaceous | |
apprehension | aerodynamics | antiabortion | antibusiness | |
assimilation | astronautics | ambidextrous | appurtenance | |
articulation | amelioration | auscultation | archdeaconry | |
astronomical | annunciation | anthelmintic | antitakeover | |
appreciative | agrochemical | abolitionism | aestheticize | |
alphabetical | arsenopyrite | antifeminist | autoxidation | |
amalgamation | appendicitis | alimentation | accouterment | |
astonishment | alliteration | antiparallel | actinomycete | |
affectionate | administrate | agroforestry | apochromatic | |
apprehensive | appendectomy | antediluvian | appendicular | |
amphitheater | acetaldehyde | assimilative | anchorperson | |
asymptomatic | antiaircraft | antipathetic | appropriable |
13 letter words that start with a
administrator | accelerometer | archimandrite | aeromechanics | |
accommodation | antisubmarine | antispasmodic | agglutinative | |
authoritative | anthropogenic | antinomianism | animadversion | |
advertisement | amniocentesis | antipollution | anisometropia | |
authorization | adventuresome | atherogenesis | antilogarithm | |
accreditation | anticoagulant | asthenosphere | aminoaciduria | |
appropriation | armamentarium | anthraquinone | anagrammatize | |
autobiography | antihistamine | antiparasitic | autoinfection | |
accommodating | arteriovenous | assistantship | amphiprostyle | |
authoritarian | audiocassette | antidiarrheal | archidiaconal | |
amplification | agglutination | antisymmetric | affenpinscher | |
accompaniment | antiterrorist | anthroposophy | anfractuosity | |
assemblywoman | architectonic | ambidexterity | antiscorbutic | |
approximation | aspergillosis | antisatellite | aldosteronism | |
antimicrobial | archbishopric | autoradiogram | allopolyploid | |
antibacterial | autochthonous | anticollision | actinomorphic | |
argumentative | abortifacient | antirejection | autopolyploid | |
apportionment | antipersonnel | apprehensible | administrated | |
acculturation | aggiornamento | aminophylline | adversenesses | |
antipsychotic | amitriptyline | adrenalectomy | aerobiologies | |
acrylonitrile | anthropometry | argentiferous | agamospermies | |
acetaminophen | arteriography | autocephalous | accommodators | |
acetylcholine | anticlockwise | actinomycosis | acquiescences | |
argumentation | archaeopteryx | antifertility | amusingnesses | |
agglomeration | arboriculture | autocatalysis | anachronistic |
14 letter words that start with a
administration | associationism | ascertainments | accursednesses |
accomplishment | antiphlogistic | achromatically | acknowledgedly |
aforementioned | abstractionism | actualizations | anticorrosives |
acknowledgment | autosuggestion | acceleratingly | antihomosexual |
anesthesiology | ammonification | accountability | antimonarchist |
adenocarcinoma | antiderivative | actinomorphies | antisocialists |
antidepressant | anthropophagus | actinomycetous | antitechnology |
apolipoprotein | anticensorship | administrating | abortivenesses |
antiarrhythmic | annexationists | acetifications | accidentalness |
anticonvulsant | allopolyploids | alliteratively | accreditations |
antiperspirant | aggrandizement | alloantibodies | aerodynamicist |
antineoplastic | antiepileptics | apoplectically | affectednesses |
arrondissement | antihistorical | apprehensively | afforestations |
adrenocortical | antimanagement | articulateness | allelomorphism |
antimetabolite | antimilitarist | astrobiologies | analphabetisms |
apocalypticism | appendicectomy | abstractedness | anaphrodisiacs |
aminopeptidase | approximations | antepenultimas | archaebacteria |
administratrix | anticonvulsive | antiliberalism | accommodations |
architectonics | anthropometric | allopolyploidy | apostrophising |
azidothymidine | antigovernment | ambassadresses | appreciatively |
automatization | aphoristically | anathematizing | astrobiologist |
archiepiscopal | apostrophizing | ankylosauruses | arboricultural |
autoradiograph | apparentnesses | affectionately | accomplishable |
aeroelasticity | achondroplasia | aggressiveness |
15 letter words that start with a
atherosclerosis | antiabortionist | applicabilities | antituberculous |
anticompetitive | anticlimactical | astronautically | anthropophagous |
autocorrelation | antieducational | attentivenesses | antimaterialist |
anticholinergic | antiliberalisms | autographically | antiradicalisms |
acclimatization | affordabilities | antidevelopment | agranulocytoses |
anthropocentric | ambisexualities | antifashionable | azidothymidines |
agranulocytosis | amorphousnesses | antishoplifting | accommodational |
aluminosilicate | authentications | apocalyptically | adversarinesses |
assimilationism | accessibilities | apprenticeships | allotetraploids |
archaebacterium | acculturational | atheroscleroses | alphabetization |
adenohypophysis | agriculturalist | authoritatively | alternativeness |
antepenultimate | ambitiousnesses | automatizations | analyzabilities |
acetophenetidin | amphitheatrical | anthropomorphic | aromatherapists |
antivivisection | anthropological | accountantships | acknowledgments |
autotransformer | antimonarchical | aerodynamically | adenocarcinomas |
acanthocephalan | antiquarianisms | autoradiography | autotrophically |
anthropopathism | antiseparatists | autotetraploidy | associationists |
ancylostomiasis | arrondissements | aerosolizations | archaeopteryxes |
ariboflavinosis | autobiographies | agribusinessman | antisegregation |
assertivenesses | autotransfusion | algorithmically | antimaterialism |
arteriographies | accountableness | anagrammatizing | anthropophagies |
antispeculation | advisablenesses | antiferromagnet | anonymousnesses |
apolipoproteins | affectabilities | agribusinessmen | antilibertarian |
archiepiscopate |
Common Words that start with A
This is a List of common Words starting with A with Examples
Words | Meaning | Examples |
a/an | (grammatical) indefinite article | There’s a plant on the table |
able | when you can do something | Is your baby able to sit up? |
about | (grammatical) preposition | He’s about five years old. |
above | at a higher point | The people in the flat above us are very noisy. |
absolutely | when you completely agree | I absolutely agree with you! |
accommodation | a place to stay / live | We need some accommodation when we go to London. |
across | on the other side | They live across the road from us. |
act | when you are in a film or play | She acts really well! |
action | something that you do | We need to take action – not just talk about the problem! |
active | when you do lots of things | Her parents are old, but they’re still active. |
activity | something you do | There are lots of activities for children at the summer camp. |
add | to count numbers,to make a bigger amount | If you add these two numbers, what do you get? / Add the sugar and the flour… |
in addition | added to this, another thing | In addition to the sofa, he also bought a table and chairs. |
address | where you live | What’s her address? |
adjective | (grammatical) word that describes a noun | The word ‘red’ is an adjective. |
adore | love | She adores chocolate. |
adult | over the age of 18 | Her children are all adults now. |
adventure | an exciting time or event | Her holiday in Australia was a real adventure! |
aeroplane | carries passengers by air (also “airplane”) | Do you like going by aeroplane? |
afraid | when you are scared | Is she afraid of spiders? |
after | the next thing | After I got home, I had dinner. |
afternoon | the part of the day after the morning | Do you work in the afternoons? |
again | another time | Tell me that story again! |
against | opposing | They voted against the idea. |
age | how old you are? | She’s tall for her age. |
ago | (grammatical) how long before something happened | She left school five years ago. |
agree | think the same as another person | I agree with you. You’re right! |
air | what you breathe | The air above the city is polluted. |
airport | where you go to take the aeroplane | Which airport is closer to your house? |
alive | not dead | Is your grandmother still alive? |
all | everyone / everything | All the people agreed with him. |
almost | nearly | It’s almost 8 o’clock! Hurry up! |
alone | not with other people | She likes being alone when she’s on holiday. |
alphabet | the letters we use to write | How many letters of the alphabet are there? |
already | when something happens before now | I’ve already finished my homework. Can I go out now? |
alright | OK | Are you alright? Can I help? |
always | all the time | I always eat yoghurt for breakfast. |
amazing | fantastic | The holiday was amazing. We had a great time! |
ambulance | a special van that takes ill and injured people to hospital | Quick! Call an ambulance! |
amount | the quantity or number | £500,000 is a huge amount of money! |
amusing | funny | He’s always amusing when he speaks. |
amusement | something to make you happy | |
amusement arcade | a place where you can play fruit machines | |
and | a word to say another thing | I like fruit and vegetables. |
animal | living thing (not human) | I don’t like seeing animals in the zoo. |
answer | what you reply to a question | Does anyone know the answer? |
angry | when you are not pleased about something | When he failed his exam, his father was very angry. |
any | (grammatical) for indefinite quantities | Is there any coffee left? |
apple | a fruit, usually green | Eat an apple every day. It’s good for you! |
April | the fourth month of the year | It often rains in April. |
area | a region or part of a country / the world, etc | Which area do you live in? |
subject | He works in the area of healthcare. | |
argue | when you don’t agree and get angry with a person | Her parents argue all the time. She’s a bit worried. |
arm | part of your body that connects to your hand | He broke his arm when he fell off the horse. |
armchair | a comfortable chair with arms | In their living room they have a sofa and two armchairs. |
army | the soldiers of a country | He wants to be a soldier in the army. |
around | (grammatical) preposition | Can I look around your house? |
arrive | get to a place | What time does your flight arrive? |
art | creative work, such as painting, sculpture, etc | My favourite subject at school is Art. |
article | something that you read in a newspaper or magazine | Have you seen this article about Italy? |
as | (grammatical) comparison / preposition | Her son is as tall as her. |
ask | make a question | Can I ask you something? |
asleep | when you aren’t awake (ie during the night) | I didn’t hear the storm because I was asleep. |
at | (grammatical) preposition | I have to leave my house at 7 am. |
attend | go to | She attends an exclusive high school. |
attendant | a person who helps | The flight attendant gave the children a sweet. |
attention | when you listen or watch carefully | Can I have your attention please! |
August | the eighth month of the year | They always go on holiday in August. |
aunt | the sister of your mother or father | Where does your aunt live? |
autumn | the season after summer (“Fall” in American English) | I love autumn when the leaves turn red. |
awake | when you aren’t asleep | I’m always awake at 7 am. |
away | in another place | Please go away! |
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