In this article, we will explore full list of Verbs that start with AB, AC, AD …. such as: Abacinate, Abalienate, Aband, Accede, Accelerate…, and some of the most commonly used verbs that start with the letter “A.”, and some of Positive Verbs Words That Start With A with definitions and examples.
Table of Contents
Common Verbs That Start with A ( Definitions and Examples)
Whether you are just starting to learn English or looking to expand your vocabulary, knowing common verbs is essential to becoming fluent. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive list of common verbs that start with the letter A. So, let’s dive in and explore these common verbs that start with A.
1. Accept
- Definition: consent to receive or undertake (something offered)
- Example: She accepted the job offer.
- Abandon
- Definition: cease to support or look after someone
- Example: The crew had to abandon the sinking ship.
- Aim
- Definition: direct at someone or something
- Example: She had aimed the bottle at Gary’s head.
- Arrest
- Definition: seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody
- Example: The police arrested the suspect.
- Are
- Definition: second-person singular present and first, second, third person plural present of be
- Example: We are all in this together.
- Accommodate
- Definition: provide lodging or sufficient space for
- Example: The hotel was able to accommodate our large group.
- Abuse
- Definition: use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse
- Example: She was arrested for verbally abusing the restaurant staff.
- Agitate
- Definition: make someone troubled or nervous
- Example: The protestors agitated for change.
- Admit
- Definition: confess to be true or to be the case
- Example: He finally admitted to his mistake.
- Amount
- Definition: be regarded or classified as; be the equivalent of
- Example: The total amount due is $50.
11. Adjust
- Definition: move slightly in order to accommodate the desired fit
- Example: She adjusted the settings on her computer.
12. Add
- Definition: to join or unite
- Example: Can you please add more sugar to my coffee?
13. Admire
- Definition: to praise someone in most delightful way
- Example: I admire her determination to succeed.
14. Adore
- Definition: loving and respecting someone deeply
- Example: The little girl adores her new puppy.
15. Adopt
- Definition: taking (another’s child) and raising it as one’s own is legal.
- Example: They decided to adopt a baby from overseas.
16. Adapt
- Definition: make something suitable or useful for a purpose
- Example: He adapted to the new work environment quickly.
17. Age
- Definition: getting elder, to grow
- Example: She looks much younger than her actual age.
18. Alarm
- Definition: make someone feel frightened or aware about the danger
- Sentence: The fire alarm went off in the middle of the night.
Positive Verbs Words That Start With A ( Definitions and Examples)
Positive verbs are words that convey action, enthusiasm, and motivation. In this article, we will learn on positive verbs that start with the letter A, exploring their meanings and providing examples of how they can be used in everyday language.
Here is some positive verbs that start with the letter A ( Definitions and Examples)
1. Abide
- Definition: accept or act in a way that is consistent with
- Example: We abided by the laws and regulations.
2. Abound
- Definition: to be extremely prolific and full of option
- Example: The coasts abound with fish.
3. Absolve
- Definition: announce (somebody) liberated from culpability, commitment, or discipline
- Example: The court absolved the guilty.
4. Abstract
- Definition: to make a summary of something
- Example: I’ve abstracted the idea of the whole book.
5. Accord
- Definition: to be in agreement
- Example: He at once accorded protection to them.
6. Account
- Definition: having the record
- Example: He had to account for every penny he spent.
7. Accredit
- Definition: giving the credits to someone
- Example: The university won’t accredit students who cheat.
8. Accrue
- Definition: increasing in amount
- Example: Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.
9. Accumulate
- Definition: gathering in huge amounts
- Example: He have accumulated a lot of wealth over years.
10. Ace
- Definition: performing with distinction
- Example: She aced her entrance exam.
Verbs That Start with A – Full List
Verbs that start with AB
- Abacinate
- Abalienate
- Aband
- Abandon
- Abase
- Abash
- Abate
- Abbreviate
- Abdicate
- Abduce
- Abduct
- Abear
- Aberr
- Aberrate
- Aberuncate
- Abet
- Abhor
- Abide
- Abirritate
- Abjudge
- Abjudicate
- Abjugate
- Abjure
- Ablactate
- Ablaqueate
- Ablegate
- Abligate
- Ablude
- Abnegate
- Abnodate
- Abode
- Abolish
- Abolitionize
- Abominate
- Abord
- Abort
- Abortifacient
- Abortive
- Abound
- Abrade
Verbs that start with AC
- Accede
- Accelerate
- Accend
- Accent
- Accentuate
- Accept
- Access
- Accite
- Acclaim
- Acclimate
- Acclimatize
- Accloy
- Accoast
- Accoil
- Accommodate
- Accompany
- Accomplish
- Accord
- Accordment
- Accorporate
- Accost
- Account
- Accouple
- Accourage
- Accourt
- Accouter
- Accoutre
- Accoy
- Accredit
- Accresce
- Accrete
- Accriminate
- Accroach
- Accrue
- Accumb
- Accumber
- Accumulate
- Accurse
- Accuse
- Accustom
Verbs that start with AD
- Adact
- Adapt
- Adaunt
- Adaw
- Add
- Addeem
- Addict
- Addle
- Addoom
- Address
- Adduce
- Adduct
- Addulce
- Adeem
- Adfected
- Adhere
- Adhibit
- Adhort
- Adight
- Adipocerate
- Adject
- Adjective
- Adjoin
- Adjourn
- Adjudge
- Adjudicate
- Adjugate
- Adjure
- Adjust
- Adjute
- Admarginate
- Admeasure
- Administer
- Administrate
- Admire
- Admit
- Admix
- Admonish
- Admove
- Adonize
Verbs that start with AE
- Aerate
- Aerify
- Aestivate
Verbs that start with AF
- Affamish
- Affatuate
- Affear
- Affect
- Affeer
- Affiance
- Affile
- Affiliate
- Affine
- Affirm
- Affix
- Afflict
- Afforce
- Afford
- Afforest
- Affranchise
- Affrap
- Affray
- Affreight
- Affright
- Affrighten
- Affront
- Affuse
- Affy
- Africanize
- Aftereye
Verbs that start with AG
- Againbuy
- Againsay
- Againstand
- Agast
- Agatize
- Age
- Aggerate
- Aggest
- Agglomerate
- Agglutinate
- Aggrace
- Aggrandize
- Aggravate
- Aggregate
- Aggrege
- Aggress
- Aggrieve
- Aggroup
- Aghast
- Agist
- Agitate
- Agnize
- Agnominate
- Agonize
- Agrace
- Agrarianize
- Agree
- Agrise
- Ague
- Aguilt
- Aguise
Verbs that start with AI
- Aid
- Ail
- Aim
- Air
Verbs that start with AK
- Ake
Verbs that start with AL
- Alacrify
- Alarm
- Albumenize
- Alchemize
- Alcoholize
- Alegge
- Alert
- Algebraize
- Alien
- Alienate
- Aliene
- Alight
- Align
- Aliment
- Aline
- Alkalify
- Alkalizate
- Alkalize
- Allatrate
- Allay
- Allect
- Alledge
- Allege
- Allegge
- Allegorize
- Alleviate
- Allfours
- Alliance
- Alligate
- Allineate
- Alliterate
- Allocate
- Allonge
- Allot
- Allotropize
- Allow
- Alloy
- Allude
- Allure
- Ally
Verbs that start with AM
- Amain
- Amalgamate
- Amalgamize
- Amass
- Amate
- Amaze
- Amber
- Ambition
- Amble
- Ambulate
- Ambuscade
- Ambush
- Ambushment
- Amel
- Ameliorate
- Amen
- Amenage
- Amend
- Amenuse
- Amerce
- Americanize
- Amit
- Ammunition
- Amnesty
- Amoneste
- Amortize
- Amount
- Amove
- Ampliate
- Amplificate
- Amplify
- Amputate
- Amuse
Verbs that start with AN
- Anabaptize
- Anachronize
- Anaesthetize
- Anagram
- Anagrammatize
- Analogize
- Analyse
- Analyze
- Anarchize
- Anastomose
- Anathematize
- Anatomize
- Anchor
- Anchylose
- Anear
- Anele
- Anesthetize
- Angelify
- Angelize
- Anger
- Angle
- Anglicify
- Anglicize
- Anglify
- Anguish
- Angulate
- Angurize
- Anhang
- Anhele
- Anient
- Anientise
- Animadvert
- Animalize
- Animate
- Animosity
- Ankylose
- Annalize
- Anneal
- Annex
- Annexation
Verbs that start with AP
- Apair
- Ape
- Aphetize
- Aphorize
- Apocopate
- Apologize
- Apology
- Apostate
- Apostatize
- Apostemate
- Apostrophize
- Apothegmatize
- Apotheosize
- Appair
- Appall
- Apparaillyng
- Apparel
- Appay
- Appeach
- Appeal
- Appear
- Appease
- Append
- Appendant
- Appendicate
- Apperceive
- Appertain
- Appete
- Appetize
- Applaud
- Apple
- Applicate
- Applot
- Apply
- Appoint
- Appointee
- Apportion
- Appose
- Appraise
- Appreciate
Verbs that start with AR
- Arace
- Araise
- Arbiter
- Arbitrable
- Arbitrate
- Arch
- Archaize
- Archive
- Aread
- Arear
- Areed
- Arefy
- Arere
- Aret
- Argue
- Argufy
- Argument
- Argumentize
- Arianize
- Arietate
- Arise
- Arm
- Armada
- Aroint
- Aromatize
- Arouse
- Arraign
- Arraiment
- Arrange
- Arras
- Array
- Arrayment
- Arrect
- Arrest
- Arrestee
- Arret
- Arride
- Arrive
- Arrogate
- Arrose
Verbs that start with AS
- Ascend
- Ascertain
- Ascribe
- Ash
- Ashame
- Ask
- Askance
- Aslake
- Asperate
- Asperne
- Asperse
- Asphalt
- Asphyxiate
- Aspirate
- Aspire
- Assail
- Assart
- Assassin
- Assassinate
- Assault
- Assay
- Assecure
- Assemble
- Assent
- Assert
- Assess
- Assessor
- Assever
- Asseverate
- Assibilate
- Assiege
- Assign
- Assignee
- Assimilate
- Assimulate
- Assist
- Assize
- Assober
- Associate
- Assoil
Verbs that start with AT
- Atake
- Atheize
- Athink
- Atmolyze
- Atom
- Atomize
- Atone
- Atrede
- Atrenne
- Atrophy
- Attach
- Attache
- Attack
- Attain
- Attaint
- Attame
- Attaminate
- Attask
- Attaste
- Attemper
- Attemperate
- Attempt
- Attend
- Attendance
- Attendant
- Attent
- Attenuate
- Atterrate
- Attest
- Atticize
- Attinge
- Attire
- Attitudinize
- Attorn
- Attorney
- Attract
- Attrahent
- Attrap
- Attribute
- Attune
Verbs that start with AV
- Avail
- Avale
- Avaunce
- Avaunt
- Avel
- Avenge
- Aventre
- Aver
- Average
- Averment
- Averruncate
- Averse
- Avert
- Avile
- Avise
- Avoid
- Avoke
- Avolate
- Avouch
- Avow
- Avowtry
- Avulse
Verbs that start with AW
- Await
- Awake
- Awaken
- Award
- Awarn
- Awe
- Awhape
- Awreak
- Awreke
Verbs that start with AX
- Ax
- Axe
Verbs that start with AZ
- Azotize
- Azure
Verbs that start with A | Image
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good list