Thanksgiving Words! Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia. It began as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Similarly named festival holidays occur in Germany and Japan. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and around the same part of the year in other places. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.
Here’s a List of Thanksgiving Vocabulary Words
Table of Contents
List of Thanksgiving Words from A to Z
Words That Start With A
- Abundance
- Anxiety
- Appetite
- Apple cider
- Appreciation
- Aroma
- Arrangement
- Assemble
- Acorn
- America
- American
- Apple
- Apple pie
- Ate
- Arrowhead
- Autumn
- Awe
Words That Start With B
- Baking
- Bake
- Baste
- Beans
- Belonging
- Beloved
- Berries
- Blessings
- Bison
- Bolas
- Bouquet
- Bread
- Brood
- Buns
Words That Start With C
- Candles
- Care
- Carve
- Casserole
- Cater
- Celebrate
- Celebration
- Ceremony
- Cherry pie
- Chocolate
- Church
- Cider
- Clan
- Cloves
- Collective
- Colonist(s)
- Colony
- Comfort
- Community
- Companionship
- Conversation
- Cook
- Cooperative
- Corn
- Corn meal
- Corn stalk
- Cornbread
- Cornucopia
- Cranberries
- Cranberry
- Cranberry sauce
- Crops
- Crowds
- Canoe
- Centerpiece
Words That Start With D
- Decorations
- Deep-seated
- Delicacy
- Delight
- Delicious
- Dessert
- Dressing
- Dine
- Dinner
- Dish
- Dress up
- Drumstick
- Duck
Words That Start With E
- Eat
- Eating
- Efforts
- Egg bread
- Embrace
- Entertain
- Expectations
Words That Start With F
- Fall
- Familial
- Familiar
- Family
- Famished
- Favorite
- Feast
- Feeding
- Festive
- Fireplace
- Fireside
- Fish
- Float
- Flowers
- Food,
- Football
- Freedom
- Fried turkey
- Friends
- Friendship
- Frybread
- Full
Words That Start With G
- Gather
- Gathering
- Generations
- Giblets
- Giving
- Gizzard
- Gobble
- God
- Goose
- Gooseberry pie
- Gourd
- Gourmet
- Grandparents
- Grateful
- Gratitude
- Gravy
- Green beans
- Groceries
- Groups
- Guests
Words That Start With H
- Ham
- Harvest
- Hearth
- Heartland
- Helping
- Heritage
- Holding hands
- Holiday
- Home
- Homecoming
- Homeward
- Hope
- Horn of plenty
- Hospitality
- Host
- Hostess
- Hot chocolate
- Hugs
- Hymns
Words That Start With I
- Ice cream
- Immigrate
- Indian corn
- Indians
- Indigenous
- Invite
Words That Start With J
- Jam
- Jellies
- Journey cake
- Joy
- Joyful
Words That Start With K
- Kayak
- Kale
- Kernels
- Kisses
- Kitchen
Words That Start With L
- Laughter
- Legal federal holiday
- Leaf
- Leaves
- Leftovers
- Libation
- Love
- Longbow
Words That Start With M
- Maize, Mashed potatoes, Massachusetts,
- Massachusetts Bay Colony
- Massasoit
- Mayflower
- Meleagris gallopavo (scientific name)
- Memories
- Meal
- Meat
- Melting pot
- Mince meat pie
- Minister
- Mixture
- Mood
Words That Start With N
- Napkin
- Native
- Native American
- New World
- Network
- New World
- November
- November
- Nutcrackers
- Nutmeg
- Nuts
Words That Start With O
- Oven
- Observances
- Occasion
- Onions
- Orchard
Words That Start With P
- Pals
- Pans
- Parade
- Parents
- Patuxet Indians
- Peace
- Pemmican
- Pecan
- Picture perfect
- Pie(s)
- Pilgrim(s)
- Plantation
- Plentiful
- Plum pudding
- Plum sauce
- Poult (baby turkey)
- Potato
- Pots
- Powwow
- Prayer
- Pride
- Priest
- Priorities
- Piki bread
- Planting
- Platter
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Colony
- Plymouth Rock
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin pie
- Puritans
Words That Start With Q
- Quince pie
Words That Start With R
- Rabbi
- Reflections
- Refuge
- Rejoice
- Relationship
- Relatives
- Relaxation
- Religion
- Religious
- Relish
- Reunions
- Ritual
- Roast
- Roast turkey
- Rolls
- Roots
- Rutabaga
- Recipe
Words That Start With S
- Sacred
- Sage
- Satiated
- Sauce
- Sail
- Salad
- Seasons
- Serve
- Settlers
- Seasonings
- Sharing
- Sigh
- Spices
- Sleep
- Snow
- Squanto
- Squash
- Stress
- Succotash
- Sustenance
- Symbol
- Synagogue
- Stir
- Stuffing
- Sweet corn
- Sunflower seeds
- Sweet potato
Words That Start With T
- Table setting
- Tablecloth
- Taste
- Tasty
- Thanks
- Thankful
- Thanksgiving Day
- Thursday
- Trimmings
- Tipi
- Tisquantum
- Tom turkey
- Totem
- Trips
- Travel
- Tray
- Treaty
- Tradition(s)
- Turnips
- Turkey
Words That Start With U
- Understanding
- Unify
- Unique
- Universal
Words That Start With V
- Vacation
- Vanilla
- Vegetarian
- Vegetable(s)
- Venison
- Viewpoint
- Vision
- Voyage
Words That Start With W
- Wampanoag Indians
- Warmth
- Wassail
- Wattle
- Welcome
- Wild turkeys
- William BradfordWorship, Worshipers
- Wishbone
- Wigwam
- Winter
- Wishbone
- Wojapi
- Worship
- Worshipers
Words That Start With Y
- Yam
- Yells
- Yorkshire pudding
- Yucca
Words That Start With Z
- Zany
- Zesty
- Zucchini
List of Thanksgiving Foods
Allspice |
Green beans |
Apple cider |
Honey ham |
Apple cobbler |
Leftovers |
Apple pie |
Maple syrup |
Apple sauce |
Mashed potatoes |
Biscuits |
Nutmeg |
Bread |
Pecan pie |
Bread pudding |
Potluck |
Brussels sprouts |
Pumpkin |
Buffet |
Pumpkin pie |
Candy corn |
Pumpkin spice |
Caramel apples |
Rolls |
Carrots |
S’mores |
Casserole |
Spinach |
Corn |
Squash |
Corn bread |
Stuffing |
Cranberries |
Sweet potato pie |
Creamed corn |
Sweet potatoes |
Croissants |
Turkey |
Deep fried turkey |
Walnuts |
Gravy |
Wild rice |
Autumn-Themed Vocabulary Words
Acorns | Festivals | November |
Apple cider | Foliage | Owl |
Apple picking | Football | Pilgrim |
Autumn | Harvest | Pinecone |
Autumn breeze | Hayride | Plymouth Rock |
Bobbing for apples | Haystack | Pumpkin patch |
Bonfire | Hoodie | Rake |
Carving pumpkins | Leaf pile | Scarecrow |
Changing colors | Leaves | Squirrel |
Corn maze | Maple syrup | Sunflower |
Cornucopia | Maple leaves | Sweater weather |
Fall | Mayflower | Umbrella |
Thanksgiving Words | Images
wsp people
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nothing wyd
I think you are dum and all like i can’t find the word that I’m looking for I’m looking for the word thankful so this is dum and you are to
you do not have the words i need
This wasn’t as helpful as it looks like it would seem to be and I thought there would be all the thanksgiving words that start with t but there wasn’t and it wasn’t helpful at all
I’m doing this for hw
jack pot!!!!